Ps 103:20-21 Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word. 21 Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure. KJV

Heb 1:14 No, for the angels are only spirit-messengers sent out to help and care for those who are to receive his salvation. TLB

We are in the last days and as such, there will be many supernatural manifestations of angels on assignment on earth, God will allow many people the privilege to see angelic visitation and ministrations physically in these last days to show that God loves his people to encourage and motivate them.

Who are angels? Angels are spirit beings who are messengers in heaven from God, they take human forms or images when visible. They vary in sizes, functions and they have hierarchy. Their ultimate task is to worship the Lord and obey his command.

What are the ministries of angels? There are about 7 types of angelic offices or ministries we know

  1. There are messenger angels
  2. There are praise angels
  3. There are worship angels
  4. There are ministering angels
  5. There are combat/war angels
  6. There are guardian angels
  7. There are care giver angels

Let us look at them one after the other

  1. Messenger angels: Messenger angels are angels that bring messages of hope and God’s plans or events in the future. For example angel Gabriel brought the news about the birth of John the Baptist and the birth of Jesus in Luke 1: 13-17, Luke 1:26-38. Messenger angels still appear to people today to bring the good news and God’s future plans according to God’s will for them.
  2. Praise angels: Praise angels are angels ordained to praise and give glory to God for his wonderful works in creation. Praise angels were are work when Jesus was born in a manger. Luke 2 :13, Rev 5:12
  3. Worship angel: Worship angels are angels who worship God day and night continuously without stopping. They declare the holiness of God to all creation. Isaiah 6:3, Ezekiel 1:4-28
  4. Ministering angels: ministering angels are angels ordained to minister to those who will give their lives to Christ. They go to work when believers begin to pray to God for those family and friends who are not born-again, until they are saved in Christ and continues to minister to their needs as they fellowship and walk with God in their daily lives. Heb 1:14
  5. War angels: war angels or combat angels are soldiers who fights the Lord’s battle for His people on His behalf. When believers begin to pray to God for whatever reasons, if God need to send warrior angels to bring effect deliverance or victory on the request of God’s people, God sends them to fight. They are always victorious, they never lose a battle, and they fulfill God’s purpose per time. Joshua 5:14, they were responsible for the wall Jericho falling down. 2 kings 6:16-17.
  6. Guardian angels: Guardian angels are angels that Guard and guide people for their protection, especially children. They help to protect children from evil and bad influences. God cares do much for us that He gave guardian angels to help and protect us from harm and evil. Ps 34:7, Ps 91: 11-12, Matt 18:10-11
  7. Angels in charge: these angels in charge are angels who are ordained to take care and have oversight over other creation of God. There are some in charge of water, animals and birds, Rev 16:5, Matt 10:29

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